The CHAT 70 speakerphone is created expressly for VoIP applications using Skype PC’s and unified communications software. Rugged and portable, the CHAT 70 provides rich, natural-sounding audio communication in the home office or on the move. Perfect for personal use, teleworkers, traveling professionals or small office desktop, the CHAT 70 allows you to conference any time, any place.Unsurpassed audio clarity

SKU: CHAT70-U Categories: ,


  1. Unsurpassed audio clarity
  2. ClearOne’s, market-leading, HDConference audio technology
  3. Proprietary echo and noise cancellation algorithms prevent distracting audio
  4. Full-duplex audio means no cutting in and out
  5. Automatic gain and level controls adjust mic and speaker levels automatically



Clear, intelligible audio elevates the user experience in any workspace—from cubicles and huddle spaces to executive offices, boardrooms, and auditoriums. When you choose ClearOne, you get the highest-quality audio and visual solutions and a team committed to your success.


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