Made of solid ,brush stainless steel .Does not rust ,no maintenance needed .Equipped with 2 quality speakers and one tweeter for great and balanced audio.Comes as per set of 2 ,each with 20 feet/6 meter outdoor quality outdoor cable.Connect directly to cosmos outdoor tv no extra amplifier needed .Available in 2 sizes.You can connect up to 4 sound waves cylinder speakers (2 sets) to one cosmos
outdoor tv


  1. Made of solid ,brush stainless steel
  2. Does not rust ,no maintenance needed
  3. Equipped with 2 quality speakers and one tweeter for great and balanced audio
  4. Comes as per set of 2 ,each with 20 feet/6 meter outdoor quality outdoor cable
  5. Connect directly to Cosmos outdoor tv no extra amplifier needed
  6. Available in 2 sizes
  7. You can connect up to 4 sound waves cylinder speakers (2 sets) to one cosmos
    outdoor tv



Evervue develops, manufactures and markets unique products such as bathroom TVs, TV Mirrors, Outdoor TVs, Kitchen TV, Smart Mirrors and much more.With our own offices and production facilities around the world, Evervue is the global leader in its markets and our mission is to offer our customers the best products, equipped with the latest available technologies and an exceptional customer service.


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